Yvette D’Entremont
Halifax Examiner
August 7, 2021
Several hundred people filled Victoria Park on Saturday afternoon to protest the Liberal government’s handling of Owls Head and to call on their fellow Nova Scotians to make their discontent known at the ballot box.
… “Sometimes an issue hits you that you say: I just, That’s it. I can’t, I can’t take this one, I can’t stomach this one,” a frustrated Christopher Trider said in an interview before the rally. “This (Owls Head) is a large park, three and a half times the size of Point Pleasant, it’s undisturbed coastal heathland, probably represents 10,000 years of botanical evolution, and it’s a cultural heritage landscape, it’s a natural heritage landscape, and it’s been protected for 45 years. People are outraged.”
“Vote. Vote like your life depends on it to replace this government.”
Local resident pamela baker
Mi’kmaw grandmothers were also an integral part of Saturday’s event. As the rally wrapped up, Elizabeth Marshall shared a story that left some in the crowd in tears. “When I went to Owls Head I saw a female bear come out of the woods and she stopped and she looked at me and she captured my heart and I knew why I was there,” Marshall said.
“It’s not for my non-Indigenous neighbours, although I love you guys. I’m here for the water, I’m here for the land, and I’m here for the bear and all the fauna and the fish and everything. So people, don’t give up. We’re going to defeat them. We’re going to win and Owls Head will be protected because we are going to make sure of it.”
Elizabeth Marshall