Hugh Chisholm - Eutrophication Leads to Suspected Algal Bloom on the Nine Mile River (adjacent to Links at Brunello Golf Course in Timberlea)

Golf Courses & Fertilizer Effects

Eutrophication: the process by which a body of water becomes enriched in dissolved nutrients (such as phosphates) that stimulate the growth of aquatic plant life usually resulting in the depletion of dissolved oxygen

– Merriam Webster

When fertilizers get washed into lakes or rivers, it can lead to eutrophication. In these photos, we see that eutrophication has led to a suspected algal bloom on the Nine Mile River (adjacent to Links at Brunello Golf Course in Timberlea).


Fauna of Owls Head Provincial Park

Photos by Susan Vickery

Owls Head Provincial Park is part of Halifax’s Green Network Plan. The plan has identified an “essential ecological corridor” between Owls Head Provincial Park and Tangier Grand Lake Wilderness Area. Also known as a green corridor or wildlife corridor, these connecting spaces are essential for our wildlife and biodiversity.

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