We are fighting to save Owls Head Provincial Park.

We are fighting on many fronts and must remain vigilant.

The Court case—thank you Eastern Shore Forest Watch and N.S. Biologist Bob Bancroft—opens another front. It gives us oxygen, like Katie Porter’s report, the public meeting at Ship Harbour, the work of Richard Bell in the Eastern Shore Cooperator, the hundreds of people who have joined this group and share its posts, the work of Stan Frantz on the website, Sydnee Lynn’s determination to stop the sale and destruction of Owls Head, the work of the Conservation Groups: CPAWS and the EAC. The comments, the posts, the public engagement, and dialogue are all keeping us moving forward together, an army of common purpose.

We are attacking this government’s secret deal to delist and sell our protected public lands like a momma bear protecting her cubs and we must continue on all fronts: social media, letters, and emails to MLAs and the Premier, supporting the Court case, telling our friends and colleagues.

We know Owls Head Provincial Park is the tip of the iceberg, the test case, the precedent that places 196 properties on the list in the Parks and Protected Areas Plan in immediate peril, and the rest at risk. It is no accident that the Liberal Party of N.S. website makes no reference to environmental protection, unlike all the other parties.

We know Owls Head Provincial Park is the tip of the iceberg, the test case, the precedent that places 196 properties on the list in the Parks and Protected Areas Plan in immediate peril, and the rest at risk. It is no accident that the Liberal Party of N.S. website makes no reference to environmental protection, unlike all the other parties.

We must stay awake, stay energized, stay vigilant, support each other and condemn this government’s arrogance and hypocrisy at every opportunity, every day.

There was a time in wars when the two sides lined up and shot each other and the larger side always won. However, warfare evolved with attacks to flanks and guerilla tactics, attacking surgically at vulnerable points, and exploiting the weaknesses of a superior enemy.

Perseverance, organization, determination, and truth are our weapons in this war to save Owl’s Head.

We fight on.

Stop the sale. Save Owl’s Head

Christopher Trider

Editor’s Note: The 196 other properties at risk are divided between
Nova Scotia Environment: 95 sites (35 wilderness areas, 57 nature reserves, 3 other) and
Lands and Forestry: 101 sites (provincial parks and park reserves)

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