Noah Hollis for Halifax Citadel-Sable Island
I strongly oppose the sale of Owl’s Head as part of larger systemic destruction of our public spaces, biodiversity, and community democracy. Reversing the sale and making clear designation is just the beginning – politicians have to center the land and the next 7 generations in all of their decision-making. I am a proud Green – as a non-whipped representative, I’ll always stand up for Nova Scotia’s environment and natural beauty.
Noah Hollis
Steve Hirchak for Shelburne
“With all the issues and challenges we face and need to discuss, preserving wild space and biodiversity should be the easiest one to solve. I see no better example of that than preserving Owls Head Park. The fine people in Shelburne know this and I hope they can support a candidate who supports their passion on this issue.”
Steve Hirchak
Doug Hickman for Candidate-Kings North
“The Liberal Party turned its back on democracy with its underhanded attempt to allow development at Owl’s Head. Our province is more than some real estate developer’s dream; Owl’s Head must be protected, due process in decision-making must be respected and the environmental integrity of our province – our home – must be valued above simple dollars.“
Doug Hickan
Skylar Martini for Dartmouth South
I just wanted to reach out and on the record give my full support for the saving and protection of Owls Head. This plot of land is gorgeous and a crucial part of the local ecosystem. Making the decision to turn it into a golf course would be absolutely detrimental and would cause an extreme amount of disruption to the local wildlife.
Skylar Martini
Sue Earle for Kings West
“Owls Head is ecologically significant and holds natural value that far outweighs the price tag being assigned by the current government. In the face of a climate crisis, rapidly disappearing species, heavy clear cutting and overdevelopment it’s never been more crucial to protect what’s left of the wilderness, biodiversity and natural coastline in this province. Owls Head belongs to every single person – not the Liberal government, and it’s imperative that we get our message across loud and clear. Owls Head is not for sale!”
Sue Earle
Jessica Walker for Digby-Annapolis
“I would like to put my voice in and go on record saying I strongly oppose the secret delisting and sale of Owls Head, and am in full support of solidifying its protected status.My save Owls Head sign is displayed proudly and have been having many interesting discussions with people around the area regarding this issue, bringing awareness whenever I can to what is happening there.”
Jessica Walker
Ian Dawson for Sackville-Cobequid
Initiatives that do not enhance biodiversity or protect our pre-existing natural environments should be met with a healthy dose of skepticism. Nova Scotia is blessed with abundant space for the entirety of the animal kingdom. Humans have a unique responsibility to ensure those spaces are equitably distributed.
There is no compelling reason to delist Owl’s Head Provincial Park, or any other provincial park that contributes to the biodiversity of our environment.
Thomas Trappenberg for Lunenburg
“We need more golf courses …”. Just kidding. There are only so many golf courses that can compete, and with Owl’s Head and the Eastern Shore we have a huge opportunity in eco-tourism that would be severely damaged if the Owl’s Head development goes ahead. I know it might look good for Iain Rankin with his golf course management degree, but I guess I have a bit of a different perspective as a scientist.
Thomas Trappenberg
I am afraid that people think golf courses are green and full of nature. The amount of chemicals including fertilizers that can run off into the ocean and dangerous weed killers is a real problem, not to mention the amount of fill that has to be brought in and which changes the ecology. But the secret sale of Owl’s Head Provincial Park stands for so much more. It stands for the wrongful non-transparency of our government, it stands for the wrong vision for our future, but also for the awesome activism that members of this group do. Thank you.
A Green member would not only be against the sale, but we would be your insider to get deep into this matter. Furthermore, we would like to drastically change the way public land and its sale and usage is considered. Of course, I am sure that every party will say something nice, but look at their record in coming through with their promises (like pipelines, support for LNG, electoral reform etc), and think about why the Green Party exists. A breakthrough needs a new face.
Lily Barraclough for Halifax Chebucto
I strongly oppose the sale of Owls Head Provincial Park, and I would work towards the immediate cancellation of the sale and strengthen the protection of natural spaces in Nova Scotia as a whole. We need a coordinated protected spaces plan that ensures that these areas are truly protected and cannot be sold in the underhanded way that was done with Owls Head. I am committed to working across party lines and with the Mi’kmaq to devise an effective co-management strategy to preserve these lands for generations to come. We cannot let this happen again.
Lily Barraclough
Will Fraser for Antigonish
“The secret deal to sell Owl’s Head is undemocratic and a real threat to ecology in Nova Scotia. We need to Save Owls Head.”
Will Fraser
Anthony Edmonds for Waverley – Fall River – Beaver Bank
The circumstances surrounding the sale of lands at Owls Head are emblematic of the sort of backroom decision-making and lack of transparency that Nova Scotians have unfortunately come to expect from our government. I grew up on the eastern shore, so I know just how much respect and appreciation there is in the region for our beautiful provincial parks. The interests of residents are not represented through arbitrary decisions, made without consultation. Now and in the future, irreversible decisions like the sale of publicly managed lands must never be made without thorough public consultation and full transparency.
Anthony Edmonds
Green Party of Nova Scotia
“We urge the Members of the Legislative Assembly to pay close and serious attention to the hundreds of letters addressed to them, the thousands of petitioners and the multitude of red signs across the province, calling for the cancellation of the proposed sale of Owls Head.”
Interim Leader Jessica Alexander