Wetlands, eel grass and golf courses don’t mix, scientists say in Owls Head debate
“This is just more evidence that leaving protected areas to provide these ecosystems services is important for our province,” Kendall said.
(more…)“This is just more evidence that leaving protected areas to provide these ecosystems services is important for our province,” Kendall said.
(more…)This article has since been republished with permission in the January edition of the Eastern Shore Cooperator.
Biodiversity (a contraction of “biological diversity”) comprises all life on Earth. Greater species diversity supports healthier ecosystems and even improved human health.
“We are in the midst of both climate and biological diversity (extinction) emergencies, wherein we are at or beyond planetary thresholds for being able to recover. Such intact ecosystems as Owls Head are our ecological life-support systems. We need them in order to survive as a species, as do the other species with which we share this land, many of which are endangered1.”
Dr. Karen Beazley