LTE: Rankin Off Course by Karen Schlick

It’s mind-boggling trying to think of where to begin in response to Bill Black’s Jan. 2 column on Iain Rankin and his bid for the provincial Liberal leadership.

Therefore, I will limit myself to the quoted statement that Mr. Rankin doesn’t see any reason why an environmentally sensitive golf course couldn’t be built at Owls Head. He refers to the “local support” for said golf course.


Letter: Dividing Community by Karen Schlick

I read with interest the recent article on an update on the court case for Owls Head (“Owls Head court case stalling golf courses, much-needed jobs, Lighthouse Links argues,” Dec. 10).

The primary concern of this court case is the lack of transparency and consultation in delisting an ecologically sensitive area that was being considered for provincial protection. If it hadn’t been for a freedom of information request, the public would never have known about this; thus, the court case. If everything had been above board in the first place, there wouldn’t have been any need to go to court.


Letter: Too Busy Reacting by Karen Schlick

Re: the Feb. 1 opinion piece,  “Conservationists have missed the boat on ecotourism.” The headline should have read: “Developers and governments are missing the boat on ecotourism.”

Conservationists are generally busy running around putting out fires: proposals like salmon farms and golf courses in inappropriate places, gold mines that ignore watershed issues, rampant clearcutting and expropriation of Commons land. 

Where are the conservationists out there with time on their hands and money to burn? Personally, I don’t know any of them.

Karen Schlick, Musquodoboit Harbour
