Press Release: Filing of a Lawsuit to Stop the Sale of Owls Head Provincial Park

Press Release Announcing the Filing of a Lawsuit to Stop the Sale of Owls Head Provincial Park. Includes profiles of participants and links of resource sources.

Opponents of the provincial government’s decision to sell Owls Head Provincial Park to a wealthy American investor to build 3 golf courses has launched a lawsuit at the end of January in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in an effort to stop the sale. The applicants are the Eastern Shore Forest Watch Association (ESFWA) and Robert Bancroft.


Letter: Off course on Owls Head habitat by Bob Bancroft

Further to Jim Vibert’s Jan. 6 column on the provincial government’s planned conversion of Eastern Shore’s Owls Head Park Reserve to a golf course, readers may recall that Nature Nova Scotia and two other groups took the province to the Supreme Court last September over its failure to enact its own species-at-risk legislation. Wildlife cannot survive without suitable habitats. Owl’s Head is one more example of the government’s callous disregard for species at risk, and public consultation.
