"There is No Planet B" - Photo by David Sorcher

2020 Year in Review

In spite of a year that has been challenging in so many ways, our volunteers have contributed their time and their talents. We would like to extend our deepest thanks to each of those wonderful groups and individuals. While we can’t share each and every action, we wouldn’t be here without the passion and persistence of our supporters. Please keep reading to see just how far we’ve come.

"There is No Planet B" - Photo by David Sorcher

Letter: Owls Head rally tally lowballed by Ian Guppy

Re: Your Feb. 21 front-page news story on protesters rallying to save Owls Head park. It is good to see this important issue of our government’s secret delisting and removal of Owls Head Provincial Park from Nova Scotia’s Parks and Protected Areas Plan receive the coverage it deserves. However, ironically, this is undermined by an inaccurate account of the number of participants at the rally. I attended and would estimate, based on that experience and counting people in post-event photos, that the crowd was easily twice the size than what was reported.

Darlene Gilbert, Mi’kmaw Grandmother, Photo by Peter Barss

Statement from Darlene Gilbert, Mi’kmaw Grandmother

We thank Darlene for her participation at the Save Owls Head Rally, providing this statement for the website, and for all of her efforts to protect the lands of Nova Scotia. Wela’lin.

Once you change the natural habitat for money, you cannot un-change the damage to Mother Earth. For our children, our grandchildren there must be something living, loving, and enjoyable for all people.

[Owls Head is] a privatized sale, even though this is unceded, unsurrendered lands… Miꞌkmaꞌki.


Pam Baker – Save Owls Head Rally

We thank concerned resident Pamela Baker for speaking at the Save Owls Head rally and for giving us a copy of her statement to post on this website for those who could not attend.

Although I am suspicious that this sale of Owls Head/Little Harbour has anything to do with golf courses, I have nonetheless examined why the development and construction of these courses would be wrong for this property.

I am not a scientist, so I cannot expertly address the ecological damage that could be the result of this project; however, my brother’s background as General Manager of two major golf and country clubs in Ontario and experience in design and construction has been invaluable to me.

Chris Trider, photo Peter Barss

Group marches to the legislature to protest proposed sale of Owls Head

Covert delisting of the land from park protection rallies community members.

The Coast
Mira Dietz Chiasson
February 21, 2020

Full Article Here>

A determined group of Nova Scotians gathered yesterday at Grand Parade Square to protest the sale of Owls Head, a planned provincial park that was recently de-listed by the provincial government. Despite cold temperatures, approximately 120 people were in attendance, wearing hats and mittens, chanting “Stop the sale, save Owls Head.”

“Development would be welcome. But none of it should come at the expense of a rare ecosystem”

–Pam Baker
