Gilbert Holdings

A Change of Heart?

The public is now faced with two seemingly conflicting statements from the Gilberts. Both statements concern the would-be developer’s intentions for the property widely known as Owls Head Provincial Park.

Please keep in mind that public objection is to the sale of public land that had been slated for protection. The Save Owls Head movement opposes the removal of the park’s inclusion in Our Parks and Protected Areas Plan in order to make Owls Head Park Reserve—our public land—available for sale to a private investor.

What the Gilberts intend for the property is relevant but does not affect the primary concerns of conservation and government transparency. The grassroots movement insists that Owls Head Park Reserve be returned to Our Parks and Protected Areas Plan and be legally protected.



On February 19, 2020, CBC reported: “Owls Head land sale put on hold as potential buyers explore their options.” At first glance, this seems like cause for celebration. Right? Not so fast. The more you read, the less clear the situation becomes.

Ever since the story broke in December 2019, there has been clear and persistent opposition to the government secretly delisting Owls Head Provincial Park Reserve. No private development would preserve public coastal access or the site’s “natural beauty.”
