Owls Head - Vision Air

Owls Head becomes ground zero of land protection battle with province

If, for 45 years, successive provincial governments and, more importantly, Nova Scotians believe and treat a piece of the province as a provincial park, can the current government negate that 45-year-history, decide the land was never a park, and sell it off for private development? 

Stephen McNeil’s government believes the answer to that question is “yes,” and groups determined to protect the land are adamant that it’s “no.”


Letter from N.S. Wild Flora Society

We of the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society are writing to express our concern with the delisting of Owls Head Provincial Park Reserve and proposed golf course development on these public lands. The Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of wild flora and habitat in Nova Scotia.

Letter: Watershed Moment

February 5, 2020

Dear Mr. MacKay,

I am writing to you as my elected representative to express my concern about the proposed sale of Owls Head.

Although this is not in your riding, this is a watershed moment for Nova Scotia and citizens in all Nova Scotia ridings. Sale of this land would set a terrible precedent. Destruction of this land would be irreparable.

Nova Scotia Owls Head Park Reserve Map

Letter: The True Value of Owls Head

February 5, 2020

By Sue Corser

Dear Mr. Ince;


I am writing to you as my representative in the Nova Scotia Legislative Assembly. I am gravely concerned about the actions of the McNeil Government to secretly de-list the Owls Head Park Reserve and commence a process to sell these lands to a private interest.

You no doubt know some or all of the history and efforts to identify and protect lands along the eastern shore and across Nova Scotia as part of a park and protected areas strategy. You may also be aware that these efforts have been ongoing for more than four decades and many, many citizens have participated over and over to ensure a certain future for these precious lands. (more…)

Letter from Concerned Scientists

Caitlin Porter, MSc, Research Associate
Jeremy Lundholm, PhD, Professor & Department Chair
Ecology of Plants in Communities Lab
Biology Department
Saint Mary’s University

To the Honourable Labi Kousoulis,

We are biologists and environmental scientists writing to express our concern with the potential development of the proposed Owls Head Provincial Park Reserve.

Over the past 15 years, the Ecology of Plants in Communities lab at Saint Mary’s University has worked with collaborating NGO and NS provincial government partners to describe and classify heathland ecosystems across Nova Scotia. We have included the proposed Owls Head Provincial Park Reserve in our field surveys. Our years of data reveal that Owls Head is ecologically unique and of importance to biodiversity conservation.


A community rallies to save Owls Head

Full Article Here>

Joan Baxter
Morning File
Halifax Examiner
February 4, 2020

On Friday, January 31, the Eastern Shore Forest Watch Association and well-known wildlife and forest biologist Bob Bancroft filed a motion with the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia for an extension of time to file a judicial review of the government’s de-listing of Owls Head from the 2013 Parks and Protected Areas Plan.

Respondents are named as Iain Rankin, Minister of Lands and Forestry, and the Attorney General.


A Different Approach

…to economic development along the Eastern Shore, including experiential, community-based tourism that is regenerative and restorative.

I would be happy to be part of a group strategy session to provide input as to why a different approach to economic development along the Eastern Shore (including experiential, community-based tourism that is regenerative and restorative) makes so much sense for the long-term viability of many communities. By recognizing the basic systems of ecology, land, biodiversity, and water retention, this extends far beyond the basic concepts of ecotourism.
