Letter to the Editor
Submitted by Ira MacInnis
The Chronicle Herald
July 11, 2021
When admitting to his 2003 DUI, Premier Iain Rankin has stated that he made a “bad decision.” He is to be commended for admitting that fact. However, there are a number of other bad decisions that he cannot, will not admit to, including:
- He only raised the matter in a COVID-19 presentation because a reporter was going to release the information to the public. The COVID briefing was not the place to disclose a personal matter. This should have been done in a separate news conference where there was a full and open presentation on the DUIs. Bad decision.
- Facts in the 2005 DUI include blood alcohol readings of 0.115 and 0.150, a rolled car and that he was found guilty at trial. That ruling was overturned on appeal because photocopy of tests rather than original paperwork were presented as evidence, as well as the improper name of the officer who laid the charge — a technicality. Rankin says he was “innocent.” No admission or acknowledgement of guilt. Bad decision.
- Sale of Owls Head approved by him as minister of environment and notice of sale not acknowledged until months later when dug up by journalist. Bad decision.
- In the spring, Premier Rankin advised that he was going to open the border to the rest of Canada without buy-in from the other Atlantic premiers, then reversed his position on this. Bad decision.
- In June, he and the other Atlantic premiers agreed to open the Atlantic Bubble. However, on the day before the opening, he announced that New Brunswickers were to face punitive restrictions because that proviunce was allowing travellers in from the rest of Canada. Premier Rankin did not even attempt to discuss the matter with Premier Higgs. He disrupted many families Bubble plans. Bad decision.
Nova Scotians deserve and expect their premier to be honest and forthright and to act with integrity. Premier Rankin’s focus appears to be on getting his picture in ads in the Herald announcing all the wonderful things he is doing with taxpayers’ money and on TV for COVID-19, but the substance of his actions indicates an impulsive and less-than-honest approach to his decisions.
It is truly unfortunate that his decision, and that of his predecessor, to not allow the legislature to be called into session has left it to the press to uncover actions being undertaken by this government and the premier. What else is left to be brought to light?
Speaking of former premier Stephen Mc Neil. It is truly disheartening if the report is true that the legal firm where he is a “strategic advisor” is also the legal representative for the American buyer of Owls Head. So much for integrity in government. Another bad decision.
Ira MacInnis, Halifax
Disclaimer: Letters to the editor are an important expression of the voice of the people. However, the views and opinions expressed in these letters are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Save Owls Head Provincial Park movement.