Letter to the Editor
Contributed by John Dalziel
The Chronicle Herald
August 12, 2021

Originally published here

In Nova Scotia’s election campaign, the voters are being promised all sorts of new programs. Many, of course, are designed to address real needs, particularly in these COVID times. But they all come with a price tag. How we are to be able to pay for these remains to be seen.

However, there is one fundamental need that comes free. That is for accountability in government: ethical behaviour, honesty, transparency and, at times, public consultation. Over thousands of years, many societies have failed, largely due to the impact of “unaccountable power,” with dire consequences for their citizens.

From my perspective, the handling of the proposed sale of the Owls Head Provincial Park shows a serious lapse in ethical standards and accountability and raises serious questions for the Nova Scotian public. I hope voters will give all of our candidates the opportunity to address this issue, and will consider their response before voting. (I also hope that the incoming government will formally protect Owls Head for the enjoyment of us all.)

John Dalziel, Dartmouth

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