Francis Campbell
The Chronicle Herald
September 4, 2021
Originally published here
“We need to understand what was signed in the contract by the previous government,” Tory Rushton told reporters this week.
“We don’t agree with how things rolled out with the previous government. In all fairness, we need a full briefing on that, myself and other department ministers and the premier. That’s something that we started from Day 1.”
Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources and RenEwables
… “I’m quite hopeful that he’s (Houston) going to do the right thing here and throw out the letter of offer that was crafted in secrecy and deceit in my opinion,” said Chris Trider, a member of the Facebook group Save Owls Head Provincial Park.
“I hope he’ll go even further and complete the formal designation,” of Owls Head as a provincial park.
.. Trider said with former premier Stephen McNeil, Rankin and other ministers, Owls Head “was always a sort of secret, done deal, behind closed doors, backroom arrangements made, public consultation handed over to the developer.”
Trider said he suspects Owls Head had a significant impact on the election, if not for ecological reasons, then on trust and transparency grounds.
“I just see this as an opportunity for the PCs to distinguish themselves from the previous government and act with transparency and put the park back where it belongs — designated, protected and maintain public ownership.”