Noushin Ziafati
The Chronicle Herald
July 19, 2021

Full Article

The Chronicle Herald spoke to people out and about in Halifax about the issues that they care about the most. Here’s what they had to say. 


For Philip Church, who is from Hantsport and currently lives in a van with no fixed address, saving the environment — and Owls Head Provincial Park specifically from being developed into golf courses and residential properties — is most important.“What’s wrong with the status quo? Why do we always have to be taking more land away from animals and wildlife? I think we’re good where we are,” said Church, 42.

David Arnold, 65, wants the next provincial government to do more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or whatever it takes to “actually make the environment healthier.” 

“You certainly see the impact on the environment more now and it’s not just the impact on people, it’s the impact on everything, the animals, the water, plants, everything. I find, to me, it’s a concern,” he said.  

Charles Blackhall, 72, is also concerned about the environment and would like to see more sustainable forestry practices prioritized.

“We’re just going backwards, we’re still clearcutting, we’re still resurrecting old school pulp mills and spending billions and billions on cutting forests down, when we need all the oxygen and carbon sinks that we can get, which are what forests are,” he said.  

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