Francis Campbell
The Chronicle Herald
October 15, 2021
It’s time for the Progressive Conservative government to stop dragging its feet on the Owls Head situation, New Democrat MLAs said Friday.
“When a party uses words like despicable, one would expect urgency in rectifying the situation,” Claudia Chender, the MLA for Dartmouth South, said during question period Friday in reference to Premier Tim Houston’s characterization, while in opposition, of the Liberal deal to delist and enter into an agreement to sell Crown land at Owls Head.
“When will the Conservative government actually make that order in council and stop the sale,” Chender asked Tory Rushton, minister of natural resources and renewables.
Rushton replied that there is an appeal case before the courts but “our government is officially committed today to allow the public” to have input on this decision.
During the election campaign, Chender said the PCs promised to protect “all remaining areas in the 2013 Parks and Protected Areas plan,” and she said it’s puzzling that it was not one of the first actions of the new minister.
“After all, in the platform document … it is stated that ‘all that is required at present is an order in council.’”