Here’s another gem from the government website on Our Parks and Protected Areas Plan:
Our parks and protected areas contribute to our economy by:
- anchoring our nature tourism industry
- supporting the outdoor recreation industry
- helping us brand Nova Scotia as a clean, green place in which to live, work, and do business
- contributing to local and regional economies
- employing people (directly and indirectly), especially in rural areas
So now, on April 1, we have to go to Court and fight the government, Premier Rankin’s government, to protect the public interest in the significant, large, coastal protected area referred to as Owls Head Provincial Park.
As Minister of Lands and Forestry, he signed the Letter of Offer to sell Owls Head Provincial Park. He helped broker the secret deal to remove it from the Protected Areas Plan. He agreed to the ridiculous $216,000 price for the 700 acres of publicly owned coastal property with 5 miles of shorefront. He defended those decisions with deception and a deliberate misrepresentation of the history of protection of Owls Head Provincial Park.
Ask yourself, citizens of Nova Scotia, should anyone, regardless of their financial position, be able to walk in and cherry-pick a large beautiful public coastal park from the Protected Areas Plan and get an Offer to sell because they want to develop several private golf courses? The answer is an unequivocal NO.
Stop the sale. Save Owls Head.