There’s a saying, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” which refers to the synergy that is created when the pieces all complete each other and contribute to a greater experience.
Owls Head was not appraised by the secret real estate deal guys as the integral part of the whole Eastern Shore Islands that it represents.
The public lands of Owls Head, 700 acres of pristine coastal heathlands, represent an invaluable connection between the Wild Islands project and the Eastern Shore Seaside Park System. They are a classic, representative landscape of parallel quartzite ridges, bogs and coastal spruce forests with a globally rare plant community.
Not only do they connect to the beautiful, unique Eastern Shore Islands archipelago, they also complement the beach and trail components of Clam Harbour and Taylor Head, and the interior wilderness staging areas and destination camping proposed for Lake Charlotte. The community vision of the Eastern Shore Seaside Park System recognized their significance and this helped protect them all these years.
Enter the rich American and his connected friends who have manipulated an inept, shortsighted provincial government into delisting and selling our precious coastal lands for a project that will alter them beyond recognition, destroying a fragile, important ecology.
Stop the sale. Save Owls Head.
Christopher Trider
shared by Christopher Trider on the group Facebook page.