Owls Head - Vision Air

Ecology Action Centre Statement

Owls Head is a coastal headland on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia/Mi’kmaqi. A portion of the headland (268 hectares/ 662 acres) is provincial Crown Land and has been managed as a provincial park since the 1970s. Though Owls Head Provincial Park was never legally designated as a protected area, it has been proposed for designation in the Nova Scotia’s 2013 Parks and Protected Areas Plan (site #694). 
Because of investigative reporting and freedom of information requests, we all learned of the backdoor deal to sell Owls Head Provincial Park to a private developer, for conversion into golf courses. The secret actions of the Department of Lands and Forestry staff, past and current Ministers, and Cabinet to dispose of a rare ecosystem home to a number of endangered species without public consultation are deplorable. 


Letter from Tourism Operator Celes Davar

December 31, 2019

Honourable Premier, Ministers and Members of the Nova Scotia legislature,

Re: Recent CBC Article, N.S. won’t protect land with ‘globally rare’ ecosystem that company eyes for golf resort

First of all, Happy New Year to all of you. Wishing you a thriving and fulfilling 2020.

I am a tourism operator in the Gaspereau Valley. I also have had the opportunity (perhaps privilege) of spending considerable time on the Eastern Shore this summer, and have visited multiple times. It is a stunning, wild shoreline. The people living along the Eastern Shore are fiercely in love with their landscape. There are a number of new entrepreneurs emerging doing cool things. The Nova Scotia Nature Trust has a great campaign underway called the 100 Wild Islands Campaign.
