Formal Petition
We are collecting signatures for a formal petition, calling on the government of Nova Scotia to formally protect Owls Head Provincial Park and all of the remaining properties awaiting designation.
If you believe that our network of protected areas is worthy of protection and that citizens should have a voice in this decision-making process, we hope you’ll help us deliver that message to the Nova Scotia Legislature.
Please print off a copy of the formal petition, ask your friends and family to sign it, and mail the signature page back to Sydnee Lynn as soon as possible (address provided on page 2).
Electronic Petition
We ask residents of Nova Scotia to please sign both the formal and online petitions. Thank you.
Safety First
We ask that everyone abide by public health guidelines. Instead of asking people to sign in person, you can email the document to your coworkers, neighbours, and other concerned citizens with these directions (download, print, sign, and mail).
Please remember that all signatures must be included on an original printed page and cannot be scanned or photocopied.
Why a paper petition & an online petition?
Unlike the federal government, our government of Nova Scotia doesn’t accept any electronic petitions. The Nova Scotia Legislature explains, “All petitions must bear original signatures. Photocopies of petitions or print-outs of Internet petitions are not acceptable.”
Due to Covid-19, we have recently launched an online petition on If you are a resident of Nova Scotia, please sign both.
Who can sign the paper petition?
Any Nova Scotia citizen can sign the petition, regardless of age.
Who can sign the online petition?
Anyone can sign the online petition.
What happens once the formal petition is completed?
The completed document will be tabled (presented to the House of Assembly) by an MLA.
Have a question?
Please send us an email at Thank you for your interest.