Media Coverage
News 95.7: Municipal Planning Strategy
Local resident asks municipal councillor David Hendsbee about the Eastern Shore Seaside Park System and Owls Head Provincial Park at the 31-minute mark.
(more…)Local resident asks municipal councillor David Hendsbee about the Eastern Shore Seaside Park System and Owls Head Provincial Park at the 31-minute mark.
(more…)(more…)“This proposal, this development of 3 golf courses (and luxury accommodations and what have you) could be easily accommodated in other private lands, other locations along the Eastern Shore. They don’t need to go in and destroy a beautiful, natural environment park to do this.”
Host Jordi Morgan asks Premier Iain Rankin for an update on his stance regarding Owls Head Provincial Park. The Rick Howe ShowNews 95.7March 10, 2021 Jordi Morgan: Speaking of Crown Lands, you’ve had some discussion, and I know that it’s certainly been a point of discussion here, around Owls Head Read more…
The Rick Howe Show
News 95.7
February 11, 2021
Host Jordi Morgan interviews citizens with differing views on Owls Head Provincial Park.
Owls Head Provincial Park, which had been slated for protection, was secretly delisted by the government of Nova Scotia. Elected officials had begun exploring the potential sale of this property 3 years before investigative journalist Michael Gorman alerted the public.
Disclaimer: In the interest of fairness and transparency, we have included all of the audio files and have transcribed all of the interviews. However, not all of the claims have equal merit. We’ve included a few suggested posts at the bottom of this page, which have verified information on the history and ecology of the park.
(more…)January 19-21
The Rick Howe Show
News 95.7
One of these three Liberal leadership candidates will not only become the leader of the provincial Liberal party but also the new premier of Nova Scotia. Take a listen to their responses to environmental questions, including the fate of Owls Head Provincial Park.
Mr. Randy Delorey
January 19, 2021