Atlantic Gold’s imaginary conservation land

In 2008, Atlantic Gold was given provincial approval for the gigantic Touquoy open pit gold mine with the condition that within 4 years the company buy and give the province nearby land for conservation purposes. 13 years later, that condition is still unmet, and the province is making no real effort to enforce it.

Jamie Simpson says there is certainly irony in this plan — be it as yet unfulfilled — for Atlantic Gold to procure conservation lands, given what the province has not done to protect Owls Head Park, a “globally rare” ecosystem on the Atlantic Coast about 30 kilometres southeast of Atlantic Gold’s open pit gold mine at Moose River.

Owls Head Aerial

A filthy rich American wants to profit from turning Owls Head into a golf course, and he apparently wants the Canadian taxpayer to subsidize the effort

Tim Bousquet
Morning File,
May 15, 2020
Halifax Examiner

Yesterday, Chris Miller, of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, received a stack of documents in response to a Freedom of Information requested related to the provincial sale of Owls Head, and tweeted about them.

You’ll recall that Owls Head, which was once listed as a potential future provincial park on the Eastern Shore, and which includes an area with a “globally rare” ecosystem, was delisted as a provincial property that will receive legal protection, so that it can be sold to a company called Lighthouse Links Development, which wants to turn it into a golf course.

Read the full article> (Owls Head is story #3)


A community rallies to save Owls Head

Full Article Here>

Joan Baxter
Morning File
Halifax Examiner
February 4, 2020

On Friday, January 31, the Eastern Shore Forest Watch Association and well-known wildlife and forest biologist Bob Bancroft filed a motion with the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia for an extension of time to file a judicial review of the government’s de-listing of Owls Head from the 2013 Parks and Protected Areas Plan.

Respondents are named as Iain Rankin, Minister of Lands and Forestry, and the Attorney General.


Owls Head Provincial Park has been deleted from the province’s map of parks and protected areas

Tim Bousquet
Halifax Examiner
January 13, 2020

Full Article Here>

Last year the government quietly removed Owls Head provincial park in Little Harbour from the province’s pending protected status list. The move was made so negotiations could begin with Lighthouse Links Development Co., which hopes to acquire the 285 hectares of coastal headland, add it to land it already owns, and build up to three golf courses.


Who’s protecting Owls Head park from development? Not the provincial government

Morning File, Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Suzanne Rent
Halifax Examiner
December 18, 2019

Full article here>

Province won’t protect Owls Head park from development

A developer wants to buy the lands at Owls Head park on the Eastern Shore to develop up to three golf courses.

Michael Gorman at CBC reports that Owls Head provincial park on the Eastern Shore, an area with a “globally rare” ecosystem, is no longer on a list of provincial properties that will get legal protection.
