Owls Head - Vision Air

Owls Head becomes ground zero of land protection battle with province

If, for 45 years, successive provincial governments and, more importantly, Nova Scotians believe and treat a piece of the province as a provincial park, can the current government negate that 45-year-history, decide the land was never a park, and sell it off for private development? 

Stephen McNeil’s government believes the answer to that question is “yes,” and groups determined to protect the land are adamant that it’s “no.”


Owls Head yet another bad-governance howler

Full Article Here>

Gail Lethbridge
The Chronicle Herald
January 25, 2020

I see the Little Tartan Republic is at it again. You know the place I mean. It’s that secretive little quasi-democratic realm otherwise known as Nova Scotia. It has more elected politicians per square foot than Carter had Little Liver Pills, but in the Little Tartan Republic, things sometimes happen behind closed doors or in the shadows. Rules are bent to benefit those in power — if there are rules at all — and the words “openness” and “transparency” are a matter of interpretation.


Letter: In dark over Park Development

Re: “Golf developer threatens Owls Head park” (Dec. 30 Reader’s Corner). Along with Dusan Soudek, we are shocked, dismayed and incredulous that the status of this park reserve could be changed in such a sneaky and underhanded way! Not only is this action — to remove the proposed 267-hectare parcel from protection to profit — despicable on every level, it flies in the face of actions taken and funded to establish the protection of 100 islands of the Eastern Shore.

Announcements in 2016 by the federal MP, provincial MLA and councillors for the area promoted the saving of these ecosystems, which would include the wetlands and barrens of the shoreline.
