Raymond Plourde: Pop Cabot’s trial balloon now

The reaction was swift and almost universal across the province: “OMG, not again!” 

The dust has barely settled on the Owls Head fiasco and another American billionaire golf course developer has the temerity to take another run at another treasured piece of protected public lands — this time at West Mabou Beach Provincial Park — for the second time, no less, having already been told no by the government in 2018. 

Cabot’s audacious request sets the stage for another Owls Head debacle. The nerve of these guys! 


A Year in the Campaign—2021 Highlights

The iconic Save Owls Head signs were spotted in ridings all across the province. Concerned citizens were eager to crowdfund the cost of the signs in order to raise awareness and send a clear message to the provincial government. Provincial sign coordinator Karen Reinhardt organized fundraising, orders, transportation, and over 50 volunteers who distributed signs in their communities, from Yarmouth to Cape Breton. From the court case to making Owls Head Provincial Park an election issue, let’s take a look at some of the ways the group has been advocating for positive change.


Court Case

The McNeil government’s decision to secretly delist and offer to sell Owls Head Provincial Park first prompted applicants Bob Bancroft and Eastern Shore Forest Watch Association to take the case to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court on behalf of concerned Nova Scotians. Next, they headed to the Nova Scotia Court […]

Eastern Shore Cooperator: “Owls Head Park!”

Supporters of the sale attempted to frame the opposition as being anti-job and anti-economic development, treating the issue as a local one. But opponents argued that allowing this secret sale to go through would endanger dozens of other parcels of Crown land that people had believed were protected […] This threat to other places turned out to be a potent one in the provincial election in August of 2021. “Save Owls Head” signs started popping up all over the province, and the leaders of the PCs and the NDP took positions against the project. Many political observers concluded that the issue played a significant role in the PCs’ sound thrashing of the Liberals. 


Invest in Our Planet

Last Earth Day, the government of Nova Scotia pledged to legally protect 61 of the parks that have been awaiting designation. This was a good step forward and (in my opinion) a direct consequence of the increased awareness and passion that this group has fostered. But how many of those […]