Owls Head Aerial

A filthy rich American wants to profit from turning Owls Head into a golf course, and he apparently wants the Canadian taxpayer to subsidize the effort

Tim Bousquet
Morning File,
May 15, 2020
Halifax Examiner

Yesterday, Chris Miller, of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, received a stack of documents in response to a Freedom of Information requested related to the provincial sale of Owls Head, and tweeted about them.

You’ll recall that Owls Head, which was once listed as a potential future provincial park on the Eastern Shore, and which includes an area with a “globally rare” ecosystem, was delisted as a provincial property that will receive legal protection, so that it can be sold to a company called Lighthouse Links Development, which wants to turn it into a golf course.

Read the full article> (Owls Head is story #3)

Darlene Gilbert, Mi’kmaw Grandmother, Photo by Peter Barss

Statement from Darlene Gilbert, Mi’kmaw Grandmother

We thank Darlene for her participation at the Save Owls Head Rally, providing this statement for the website, and for all of her efforts to protect the lands of Nova Scotia. Wela’lin.

Once you change the natural habitat for money, you cannot un-change the damage to Mother Earth. For our children, our grandchildren there must be something living, loving, and enjoyable for all people.

[Owls Head is] a privatized sale, even though this is unceded, unsurrendered lands… Miꞌkmaꞌki.
